By: Luscious Mother

- Publish On: February 3, 2021

Hi Luscious, Sarah here.

People come to coaching for a variety of different reasons, and one of the major ones is creating the future—what they really want for their lives. I’ve worked with hundreds of people and have never seen a person who can powerfully build the future without cleaning up the negative energy of their past.

To create what we want as mothers, we have to start by looking back at our relationships with our own moms. Which is exactly what we’re going to do later this month in our first Luscious Mother/Daughter Workshop that I can’t wait to host in partnership with the Luscious Grandmother, my mom, Sandy Cote.

In every group I facilitate, whether it’s coaching, training, or a retreat, I see certain themes emerge. Last January, Luscious Mother Kristin Baker and I led a retreat in Raleigh, NC, and we found a lot of pain around parents—in most cases this came down to relationships with their mothers. It was both heartbreaking and healing to hear these stories and see these women walk closer to creating what they want with their moms, and how they want to show up for their children. On my way home from the retreat, I called my mom and my dad (separately as they’ve been divorced since I was little) to thank them for being great parents. They weren’t perfect parents, but they were exactly the right parents for me.

My friends and peers always marvel at the relationship I have with my mother. I always felt the love from both her and my dad when I was growing up, and now mom has followed me into the world of coaching. She trained in the same coaching program that I did, and now she brings so much to the coaching party and her own clients. Check out her website and find out for yourself how wise, courageous, infinitely loving, and wildly empathetic she is. She truly represents motherhood and what’s possible when you follow your dreams at any age.

So, on February 27th & 28th, I could not be more thrilled to partner with my mom, and fellow coach Sandy Cote, to lead FORGIVENESS: A MOTHER/DAUGHTER WORKSHOP.

Our overall goal is to honor this most original, most intimate, most universal, and most sacred of relationships that is so commonly left untended in a daughter’s adult years. We will have uncommon conversations about forgiveness and the Mother Daughter relationship.

This workshop is for you if any of these situations apply:

  • You want to be intentional about your relationship with your mother.

  • You love your mom and want to deepen your bond.

  • You are stuck in your relationship with your mother and want to move forward.

  • You struggle with forgiveness.

  • Your mom has passed away and you understand that death ends a life, not a relationship.

Come with your mother, come with your daughter, come with three generations (or four!), or come alone. There is no “right way” to participate, and we will welcome and support you regardless of how many of you show up.

You will leave the workshop with:

  • Clarity around the relationship they want to create with your mother and/or daughter.

  • A deeper understanding of your relationship to forgiveness, and how to take greater ownership of it.

  • Healing and optimism for what is possible in the future.

  • And tools to support you as you continue to heal and grow.

We will kick things off with an evening session on Saturday, Feb. 27, and follow that up with a full day of engagement on Sunday. All the other logistical details, and a link to register can be found at our website.

And if you’ve got more Q’s, we’ve got your A’s! Register to join us for our Coaching Curious Info Session on Wednesday February 10th at 7pm EST and bring all your coachly queries.

That’s all for now, Luscious. Join us on Facebook or Insta for DAILY inspiration on forgiveness, motherhood, and living your most Luscious life!

With love + lusciousness,

Sarah + Anna

Luscious Mother

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