“Heading back to the workplace after an extended period is a toughie. So our friends at LUMO – an executive coaching firm that works with companies in hiring and retaining mothers – weighed in with five steps women can take as they reenter the workforce. Whether you clocked out to raise a family or get […]

Stay-at-home mothers looking to go back to work are benefiting from today’s prevailing thinking about women who take time away from the workplace to raise kids. In a nutshell, these are women who can — and have — done it all and who would be assets to their future employers. “Being a mother is an asset, not […]

She may be a cultural icon who has inspired the nickname, “Queen Bey” but even Beyoncé feels the pressure of working motherhood: I think like many women, I have felt the pressure of being the backbone of my family and my company and didn’t realize how much that takes a toll on my mental and […]

Motivated as a Mother Live Your Purpose with Luscious Mother As a mom, you’ve got a lot on your plate, including the dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets your kiddo didn’t eat. And juggling ALL THE THINGS—amidst a pandemic—makes that plate feel like a zillion pound moving sphere that definitely doesn’t fit in the dishwasher and is on the verge […]

Ever find yourself having a conversation on repeat? Lately many of my conversations with my mom friends and clients revolve around how they’re preparing to re-enter the workforce. Each conversation is slightly different, but they all have a basic family resemblance of concern: “How do I explain my ‘time off’ or demonstrate new skills to […]

As of June 2021, the female unemployment rate is 5.5%, a vast improvement from the previous year’s percentage (11.1%). Still, many women are either feeling burned out in their current roles and looking for new opportunities or were pushed out of the workforce either due to lack of support from their employer or the challenges associated with […]

Mothers are drastically under supported and the ripple out effect of the lack of support has consequences far beyond their families. The data, both quantitative and qualitative, made the problems of this lack of support abundantly clear during the pandemic. The solution to these problems, however, has not been so clear. The mothers behind LUMO […]

Most of us have interacted with a coach at some point in our lives. Maybe a tennis coach or your kid’s soccer or little league coach. Coaches are meant to teach us something and then encourage us along the way as we improve our skills. While we typically think of coaches as people who work with […]

The marine biology lab isn’t the only place that women are surging ahead on the ocean. Meet two dynamic women who are making their living fishing. Lobsters in Maine Anna Conathan’s journey started when she was working as an actress and writer in LA. She was writing a romantic comedy about a woman who wins […]