It’s sixty degrees in North Carolina as I write this, and the advent of spring (down south, at least) has me thinking about newness. In this case, I’m talking about new habits; ones that conserve my limited energy, fill my cup, improve my relationships and help me get more done in half the time. You […]

Yes, yes. It’s a new year! Maybe you’ve heard? Anna here. I’m not much of a resolution person, but I do like to do a little look behind/look ahead in early January and set some intentions. At its very best, the turn of the year can be a time to reflect on the successes of […]

Hello mothers and others, Last week I was in a coaching session with a client. This woman–we’ll call her Rochelle–is an executive, a leader, a mom, and she’s totally brilliant. But she came to this call flat out scared. She was scared because she needed to have a crucial conversation with one of her employees […]

I just got back from a delightful vacation. When I sat down at my desk to review the emails and Slack messages that were patiently waiting for me, I was surprised by how many comments I received about my out of office autoreply. People really loved it, and reached out to me socially (e.g. with […]

After two years of successfully playing “Don’t Capture the Flag,” (Covid = Flag), my husband and I finally succumbed to the virus on Memorial Day. Somehow, our son—he who eats only white foods, hot dogs, and Nutella—proved impervious to the ‘Rona. What ensued next was an “Upstairs/Downstairs” quarantine where Sam was the boss of the […]

Hillary here. I got spooked by my marriage last month for the first time in over 6 years. The last time I found myself in this spot was after my second daughter was born. I can remember it very well – almost like yesterday. My husband was leaning against the front door as he spoke […]

Hello mothers and others, Why is it that we are so quick to rattle off all the ways we’re falling short instead of all the ways we’re crushing it? This week, several of my clients started our calls by providing me with a laundry list of ways they were failing as moms. “I took a […]