Hey, mama. Twenty years ago, over a period of mere minutes, a beautiful weekday morning on the east coast became an American nightmare. Terrorists weaponized airplanes filled with civilians and used them to destroy buildings filled with people who were simply going to work. An average day, ordinary people, in locations presumed to be safe. […]

Mama, it’s us. The women of LUMO, coming to share wisdom and maternally-fueled career and leadership goodness. Last week we posed the question: What did you learn about work from motherhood? This week’s answers are FIRE. LUMO Coach Jayme said: Motherhood taught me to set my priorities in alignment with my values. Before, it was all about what […]

Happy Friday! Sarah here. Last week’s newsletter was a beautiful tribute to Luscious Mother and I remain one proud Mama. As we fully transition to focus singularly on LUMO and explore the data we collected from the Expecting Moms Online Program Beta, we’ve been deep in conversation around pregnancy, maternity leave, being a working mom and the […]

Luscious Mother takes on workplace culture as LUMO, and it’s a full-time job. Happy Friday, Luscious. Anna and Sarah here. Summer is winding down, some very audacious trees in Maine are tinged with red, the children are being herded back to school, and word on the street and “in the papers” is less than Luscious. […]

Are you ready to step into the spotlight, mama? Hey there, Luscious. This week we begin our newsletter journey by climbing into my “way back machine” where we find ourselves in Los Angeles in the year 2000. INT. MIKE’S SWINGING BACHELOR PAD – SANTA MONICA – DAY MIKE, handsome and bookish in his late 20s, […]

Have you seen the 40×40 initiative? We know what kind of magic happens when women come together to support each other and this takes it to a whole new level. Launched by the Archewell Foundation in honor of Meghan Markle’s 40th birthday, the 40×40 initiative asks mentors of all kinds to pledge 40 minutes of […]

Hey there, mama. Anna here. Lately, I’ve been talking to a lot of women about our group coaching program Camp Can-A-Mama-Get-A-Minute, and the “why”s and the “what for”s of coaching. Does it really make a difference? Is it worth taking the time for? And these conversations have caused me to reflect on my own journey […]

Anna here. How’s your re-entry to society going? As a naturally social being, I always thought that so much of my creative thinking grew out of talking with strangers, meeting new people, just being in their energy field. But somehow I survived 15 months of relatively little direct human contact outside of my chosen Pod […]

Hi Luscious – Sarah here. Is it me or are MANY people hurting right now? I’m definitely a glass half-full kind of gal, but over the past few weeks I’ve noticed my clients are experiencing so much pain, all at once: divorces, cancer diagnoses, major surgeries, kids struggling with anxiety, addiction, and depression. And nearly […]